Wednesday, November 14, 2012

D.E.V. Hunter Erickson

D.e.v from Huntererickso

 This project was challenging. Since I consider myself good at math, I tried hard to make these math problems challenging. During this task, I learned that being a math teacher is very hard. I tried making some hard problems, but some of them were too hard for me, or impossible to make. So I spent a lot of time making problems, that in the end, I couldn't even make. I didn't really like doing this on a power point, because I am not to good on it, and it was hard to get all my thoughts on those slides. I wish i would have been able to make a video of me doing these problems and explaining them through audio instead of writing. The way I figured out my problems, was that I went back through my homework checks and found problems that I knew I was good at. Then, I just tried to make them more difficult. 

                          Hunter "The Vertex" Erickson

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