Wednesday, November 21, 2012

D.E.V. -Nick

Link to DEV:

My Reflection:

From prior experience in Advanced Chemistry, I knew being a teacher was not going to be an easy job.  When creating my problems, I tried hard to make difficult problems which myself could not solve.  So, when I created these, I came up with the answers first and had to work backwards to come up with a problem.  I chose my problems based off of units which I had a good understanding of, and units which I completely forgot about from the trimester(fog,gof,gog,fof problems).  Through this project, I was able to use it to refresh my memory and help me prepare for the trimester exam.  I struggled to come up with a creative aspect for this project for I am not of the creative type.  However, my inspiration for my creative aspect came when I was watching the Saints on Fox47 and their commercial of the guy being sleepy because he had to stay up for the 11:00 news came on.  I immediately wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it.  After completing this project, I definitely recommend it for future classes purely based on the fact that it is great review for the trimester.  Thanks Mr. Jackson for a great trimester and helping me prepare for AP Calculus.

"Good, better, best.  Never let it rest.  Until your good is better and your better is best."
-Tim Duncan 

Signing out,

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