Monday, November 26, 2012

DEV (Mackenzie Seth and Callie)

Seth's Reflection:

The reason I chose the concepts that I did was because I felt comfortable explaining them step by step. Even though I had some struggles throughout the class, these are the points I knew the best. Having to explain what I was doing aloud forced me to understand exactly what I was doing instead of just repeating the process over and over again. I learned a lot in this assignment through asking my partners questions to clear up parts that I was foggy on. This project was educationally valuable to me because it taught me to actually learn the material instead of just repeat steps.

Callie's Reflection:

I chose the concepts I did because I felt like these were the ones I could explain best. Even though most of the class I found understandable, the concepts that I chose to explain (such as logarithms) were things that I understood inside and out. I knew that these were ones I could facilitate with ease on the video. The other concepts that we did as a group (such as simplifying rationals) helped to clear up any uncertainties I had.  I found this project beneficial to do because it helped to review concepts that we might not have visited for a while, or forgotten about. In addition to the review this was helpful because it cuts down on time we have to spend trying to "relearn" how to do things from the beginning of the trimester, and fine tunes our skills. The only thing I would change is maybe have set problems given that you have to explain. I feel like that might be easier to do when it comes to creating them and would cut down on time spent trying to figure out problems and help do the actual project. Overall though I found this educationally valuable.

Mackenzie's Reflection:

As a group, we chose the concepts that we did because we felt that they were some of the most important concepts to learn and know. We felt like they were also the concepts that we knew the best and were most familiar with so we could teach them to the best of our ability. Though, some of the concepts that were my group members strengths were some of my weaknesses. In a way, this was a good thing because it helped to clear up some misunderstandings and confusion for me. I feel that the problems we chose best represented our understanding and overview of what we've learned so far because they are very important concepts to know. We also tried to choose problems that spanned several units so it showed that we had a good grasp and understand on more than just one unit. I think that this assignment was very helpful, because it forced me to really look at the problems and how to do them. It made it so that we had to pick apart the problems and really understand them so that we could reteach them the right way. I enjoyed this project and I believe that it really improved my understanding of important points in the information we have learned this trimester.

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