Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jenin(Erin and Jenny)'s DEV

Jenin's DEV Project

Overall, I think that our D.E.V. Project is fairly great.  I chose the problems that I created by thinking of the units that I was the best at.  I know that some people may think that this defeats the purpose of the project, but I do not.  I did this because I understood the concepts that we learned very well, so I could extent them more than concepts that I did not fully know.  If I chose a concept that I did not understand, I would not be able to push the problem further to be more advanced, which was required for this project.  With that said, these problems that I created provide an overview of my best mathematical understanding of what we have learned in this class.  I did this by pushing my understanding further than what we learned in class to greater the difficulty.  With this assignment, I feel like I learned some, but not a lot.  I solidified my knowledge of some concepts and pushed the understanding of others.  With that said, I feel as if I did not learn anything new.  However, I feel as if this should not have happened with this project to some extent.  Yes I did push my knowledge further, but I already knew the basics of all the material.  I did like this project overall because it helped me to review older units from the class and it forced to push ourselves past what we did in class.  I hope that all the hard work I put into this project pays off in the future.          

 chose these concepts for my problem set because some of he concepts are ones I struggled with and others I chose because they had elements that a person should know how to do, such as, finding the domain, or graphing the equation. These problems provide an overview of my best mathematical understanding by creating more difficult problems than the ones that were given in class. I became more comfortable using some of the concepts I was unsure of and I am more confident compared to where I was before this project. In conclusion, this project proved to be harder than I expected but in the end was helpful with my overall understanding of the things we have learned this trimester.


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