Sunday, October 14, 2012

B.O.B. Connection to Marketing/Real Life

Go-o-o-od Mornin' Vietnam!

Dear Blogger Buddies,

      I found this unit much more enjoyable and relevant to my life than the last unit.  Some of the information in this unit was relative to the Marketing class that I am currently taking here at Mason High School.  For example, in Marketing we recently learned how to calculate revenue, net income, gross margain, profit, break-even point, and price/cost per unit sold.  Therefore, when we got the "green sheet" showing how to perform calculations of profit, break-even point, etc. I was extremely happy because I had a previous understanding of the material.  Ironically, we took the test over these aspects of Marketing on Thursday, October 11th (the day before the Quadratic unit test).  Unlike the last unit, most of the material in the Quadratic unit was applicable to real life situations.  For instance, calculating area, perimeter, volume, and profit/pricing operations.  I enjoyed learning this material because I know that it will apply to me later in life.

      A big THANKS goes out to Mr. Jackson for working his hardest to make this unit as straight-forward as possible.  I know that he took a lot of time to make the material more understandable and the work load more bearable. Thanks again!



1 comment:

  1. Not a problem. Thank you for continuing to work hard and not giving up on yourself. When it gets tough like it has, I truly see an individuals character.
