Overall I think this unit was the easiest. I didn't struggle very much and got most of the homework done during school or shortly there after. I enjoyed graphing polynomials and doing the factoring partly because I had learned that in previous classes and partly because it was easy. The factor by grouping was new to me and at first I was confused. But with some help from the good ol' classmates, I made sense of it and blew through the homework. Also, I like the way that the division of polynomials was explained. At first, when Mr. Jackson said we were going to divide functions, I thought, "HOLY SHIFT! How the heck are we going to do that?" Unfortunately I was not able to watch the videos on dividing functions so I went to class, like several others, not knowing a clue on how to divide polynomials. Then when Mr. Jackson explained it and did a problem I thought, "That is A LOT of work for one simple answer. And to think we might have to do it more than once!" I soon realized that the division was not hard at all. It was mostly just multiplication and subtraction. When test time came around I was positive I knew how do to all the questions. Getting them right on the other hand was still up to remembering to write the correct number down and not misreading my own writing. I ended up staying after to finish the test and finally, after four tries, completed the troublesome question. I appreciate Mr. Jackson's help when I had any questions, even though many of the answers to my questions were either, "Rule #1. Look at rule #1." or, "How many terms does it have?" He was right and every time I heard him say that I felt like an idiot for missing the most obvious things. All in all this was a good unit. I liked its pace and work load.
P.S. I would greatly appreciate it if the workload for the next several units remained the same as this ones. Thank you.
Workload will be very similar and you're welcome. Don't feel like an "idiot." You weren't the only one forgetting Rule #1!