Sunday, October 14, 2012


With this unit, I definitely had a "light bulb" moment. Everything sort of made sense. I really liked that. The only thing that didn't really make sense was the profit and revenue stuff. I just didn't know what equation to use where and the green notes were super confusing, so that didn't help me. It's also my fault I didn't ask more questions on it, though. Another muddy spot was that one question on the test where the graph wasn't a parabola. I honestly looked for a good twenty minutes to find where it was, but couldn't find it. This resulted in near tears and an unhappy Dannica. But oh well, I think I'll survive!

Danni Banani 

1 comment:

  1. You know if you would have come up and asked for some help, I may have been able to point you in the right direction in terms of the non-quadratic graph. Don't hesitate to ask for help!
