The muddiest point for me in during this unit was when we were learning about the profit functions. It probably would not have been a problem for me except that I had to leave class right before Mr. Jackson started to talk about it. When I had the chance that night, I looked over the green note sheet about it and was totally overwhelmed by the amount of text on it. I tried two or three times to figure out what it was talking about but I just did not understand it. I decided to wait until the next day because I knew that Mr. Jackson would go over any questions and most likely go over the answers or at least give an example. After I started working on the practice sheet that was handed out, and with the help of Cole, I started to understand that all the wording on the note sheet was simply saying that one function was equal to another function after it was altered by either the number of items sold, the cost, etc. (i.e. R(x) = xp(x) ||| P(x) = R(x) - C(x)) Thankfully, Mr. Jackson was able to explain any questions I had about profit functions before the test came around so I was able to understand the stuff that I was trying to do.
I also would like to say that I really appreciated the lesser work load and homework amount. I unfortunately was not able to finish it all, but that was my own fault because I decided to procrastinate and keep putting it off until it was too late to do it all.
This unit that we are currently in has a lot of work. Don't wait until the end to get it all done. Also, I changed your post because I didn't want to use Cole's last name.