Monday, October 29, 2012


           I would have to say that this unit proved to much easier then I first believed it would be. I guess after the immense struggle I faced in the first unit I have quickly learned to be have better more efficient studying and organizational skills. However, just because it was easier doesn't mean that I didn't have a few problems here and there. My biggest struggle came once again with factoring. I don't know why, but for some reason, when I start to factor out any type of polynomial I always draw a blank. So, as usual I asked for help. I asked another teacher for advise and and it clicked. Mr. Jackson you gave us everything we needed to know how to factor, but I was having a difficulty learning from the way you taught it. When I asked, the teacher taught me how to do it the same way you did, and she even refereed me back to that little purple factoring sheet the you gave us. I memorized that sheet to study for the test and help me with factoring in the future. With help, I was able to knock out yet another road block that stood in my way in this class. On the other hand, I also enjoyed many different things about this unit. I had fun with the graphing part of this unit. It may be because it was the easiest part, but I also think it was because it was the most hands on work we did. Drawing the graph seemed like a break from all the complicated numbers and factoring.
           Wrapping up this unit, I would have to say that I am happy with where I'm at. I brought me grade up immensely after the first test and I'm enjoying the class a bit more. I think you are too Mr. Jackson. You don't look as stressed and you seem to like the fact that everyone is preforming much better on their test and quizzes. I would like to apologize for missing Thursday, and not being able to immediately make up the test.
                   Thank you

1 comment:

  1. No apologies necessary! I'm glad you got the help when you needed it!
