Sunday, October 28, 2012


I felt this unit wasn't as bad as the first unit, but more challenging than the second unit.  Factoring by grouping was probably my muddiest point because come the test I blanked out and I felt like using what I learned was useless. So I thought I should go over a couple examples over the weekend to help myself out. I looked at examples like:
14n^4-56n^3-7n^2+28n -------> My first problem was that I forgot the sign could be changed in the 7n^2+28n to 7n^2-28-------> So I figured out step-by-step how to solve this.

1. 7n[(2n^3-8n^2)-(n-4)]
2. 7n[(2n^2(n-4)-(n-4)]
3. 7n(n-4)(2n^2-1)

Plus, I was not always sure when a problem factors further.  Again, after looking over the work I did from last week it made more sense.

"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook" -William James


1 comment:

  1. Always look over those examples we did before a test. Hopefully that strategy is useful in the future!
