Sunday, October 28, 2012

B.O.B. Unit Three

I’m writing this post while flipping back and forth between the Tigers, more than likely final, Worlds Series game and the Broncos vs. Saints game, so I apologize in advance if my thoughts seem disconnected. This unit was actually pretty good for me. At first, when you said we were going to be dividing functions, I thought to myself, “What did I get myself into taking this class?” But, it hasn’t been bad at all. In fact, it was pretty easy. HOMERUN DELMON YOUNG, 3-3! Once the problem was over, you knew for the most part, if your answer was correct or not just by if the problem had a remainder. Factoring polynomials was also fairly easy, once I remembered all the different rules. The workload was a lot less strenuous this unit. There were fewer problems, but the problems took longer. This was a great unit for me, I hope. The test grade will confirm or deny that. All in all, I think I the rest of the units are like this, the rest of the trimester will go fairly smooth.

“It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.” – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


  1. By the way, I truly dislike this font.

  2. Font = changed. Thanks for the honest input. Too bad the Tigers lost...oh well, next year!
