In the first unit I learned how to find the inverse of a function. Here's how you do it. For example;
f(x)=5x^3 - 10
Replace f(x) with y and isolate the x variable.
(y) -10= (5x^3 - 10) -10
y -10 = 5x^3
(y -10)/5 = (5x^3)/5
((y -10)/5)^(1/3) = (x^3)^(1/3)
((y -10)/5)^(1/3) = x
Then, replace x with f(x) and y with x and you have an inverse function.
f(x)= ((x -10)/5)^(1/3)
A mathematical guide for your educational journey. Visit often and post your comments freely.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Walking into this class I figured I would be able to easily get a good grade without trying. Like most of my grades in the past, they just came easily to me. Until this year I have never felt my grades slipping the way that they are. It worries me that I thought I understood the material in this class, but when we took the test I felt completely unprepared. At this point, I don't feel like the student that I have always been. I'm not saying it's this class that is ruining my work ethics, because I take full responsibility for that. However, I believe that I may have overloaded my schedule and it is hard to keep up in all my classes. On top of that, with the mass amounts of homework I recieve, I have only been getting about four hours of sleep at night at the most. As I become more exhausted I have been breaking down if someone says anything I don't like. When I try to talk to my own parents about how I am struggling, they have no idea how to help me. It doesn't help current issues in my family when I have to avoid their problems in order to solve my own. I recall the inspirational video we watched about if someone wants to succeed, then they may have to sacrifice sleep. I guess at this point I can't even function properly due to my homework keeping me up at night. I really thought I could manage my time, but I am beginning to really doubt myself, and honestly I am starting to believe less and less about my intelligence. I never thought I would come to this point, but now that I am faced with this challenge I have no other choice but to step up to the plate. I must study harder (even though I thought I was), come in for help, and believe in myself. This year is not going to be easy, and something has to change.
"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness."
-David Weatherford
"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness."
-David Weatherford
Friday, September 28, 2012
Life Changing Class B.O.B
Dear Mr. Jackson,
I have not enjoyed taking your class so far. It has been an immense struggle for me to perform to my highest ability. I usually don't have problems comprehending math classes. I have always been at the top of my class. However, you have done everything in your power to enable us to succeed in your class. You have taken time away from your personal life to allow us to obtain better position in our academic lives. I was greatly inspired by the numerous speeches and videos you showed us. I have been able to go to you for help and guidance when I need it. The inspiration you have shown us can also be used in other situations in our futures. For instance, I have always lacked confidence in my ability to accomplish achievements in my non-curricular life. In-order to take my abilities to the next level I have been working on boasting myself up and not putting myself down. I have put the time into my work, but I have always had a certain doubt in my abilities. With a little work, and more confidence I can easily be the best at what I do. You have pushed each and everyone of us to our limits as far as our abilities in math. Even though I don't enjoy packets of homework and hard test, I appreciate you giving us something that will teach us to better students as a whole. It has given us all a better perspective on how to manage our school lives and work to be the best students we can be. Inspiration allows us to realize what we are capable of. I would just like to thank you for inspiring me this trimester, and allowing me to see what I need to do to be successful.
Thank You,
Your student Corbin Shuler
Personally I enjoy math courses and don't have much trouble in them. Though this year when I decided to also try AP Stats I was in for a rude awakening on work habits. The first test I took was on something most people know in eighth grade, calculating mean, median, and quartiles, but I didn't take my time and review my answers. This simple mistake caused me to get quite a bad grade. Though I have learned from this experience and realized, it's not who gets done first, but the one who puts in the most effort and constantly checks their answers. So the next test came up and I made sure my calculations were right and I tried my hardest. This hard work definitely showed in my grade as it was much better. Not only has this habit changing experience been great but I have also started to be more cautious with math equations in general.
Check out Twitter...
Get on Twitter and search "precalc." You will find that you're not alone in this crazy world and you should be proud of the work you have done. I'm very impressed by the thought you all are putting into your B.O.B. Thank you and good night!
Functions Unit B.O.B....
Overall, I feel that this unit challenged me a lot, and
definitely confused me at some times.
The major thing that really hindered my understanding the material was
not knowing the basic rules of when fractions could be reduced. The major rule that I kept forgetting about
was the rule of what could “cancel out” in fractions. This rule stated that numerators and
denominators do not cancel out if the term is being added, subtracted or multiplied
by another. For example, if the equation
is (x+1)/x, that is the simplest form, and it cannot be reduced. However, if the fraction is (2x+4)/(x+4),
then it can be reduced to just x+4. For
some reason, I found this very hard to remember so I just went crazy and started
cancelling out everything in a fraction that looked similar. This made most of the questions seem easier
to solve, but obviously I got all of them wrong. With that said, it sounds cliché, but I truly
feel like I will learn from my mistakes and really think about what I am
cancelling out. Lastly, I learned that I
cannot take my previous knowledge for granted, because it can save my
B.O.B. Blogging on Blogger
This class so far, has been a struggle. The content paired with the work made me extremely stressed. My muddiest point was by FAR the homework. I had trouble completing the homework accurately because I was more focused on finishing it all. I understand that the homework was only worth 10% of my grade, but if anyone knows me they are well aware that I will not just disregard my work. For this reason I felt with how much I had completed, I was not rewarded sufficiently.
On another note, I was pleasantly surprised with my test score. This unit stressed me out so much because I felt like I had no idea how to do anything, but I didn't trust myself. Even as I finished up the test I felt unsure. What I really learned from this unit(un-math related) was time management and to RELAX. I am the first person to stress out over things, but I have learned to just take a breather.
My favorite part of the unit was domain and range. I felt like we learned a lot of that last year and it seemed like review. As we got into radicals and rationals is where it became fuzzy. We didn't touch on those much last year, so solving problems with them was a new concept.
to wrap up,
-anna banana
During this unit, the muddiest point has been everything. Pretty stressful, however the muddiest point was finding the domain in rational and radical functions. For the most part if I had help getting started I could work through the problem, however if (for example on the test) when seeing it just myself, my head went into a frenzy and I had trouble working through the problems.
I also had a lot of trouble with fractions, maybe I missed the day in 3rd grade math where we got a thorough understanding of them, but I had a lot of trouble understanding finding the domains for them.
The unit had quite a bit of information in a short period of time, so it was hard to get a clear understanding of the material, and the stress of the amount of homework just piled on top of that.
I also had a lot of trouble with fractions, maybe I missed the day in 3rd grade math where we got a thorough understanding of them, but I had a lot of trouble understanding finding the domains for them.
The unit had quite a bit of information in a short period of time, so it was hard to get a clear understanding of the material, and the stress of the amount of homework just piled on top of that.
B.O.B- Progress
Coming from a different school, I found things to be a little different from where I came from. Some things are taught differently and some things I had not learned at all. One thing was domain. At my old school we learned how to write it a little differantly, so when Mr.Jackson gave us the first example, to be honest I was a little scared. What scared me the most, was that it was like the third day of school and I already had no idea what was going on. I have struggled with a few more things since then, but for the most part I think I am starting to grasp things a little better.
Coming from a different school, I found things to be a little different from where I came from. Some things are taught differently and some things I had not learned at all. One thing was domain. At my old school we learned how to write it a little differantly, so when Mr.Jackson gave us the first example, to be honest I was a little scared. What scared me the most, was that it was like the third day of school and I already had no idea what was going on. I have struggled with a few more things since then, but for the most part I think I am starting to grasp things a little better.
B.O.B. - My muddiest point
My muddiest point in this unit? Ha, that’s a joke. This entire unit was a muddy point. I honestly had no idea what I was doing 85% of the time. Even when I came in at 6:30 A.M., I was still lost. The domain was something that I couldn’t seem to wrap my mind around. I’m not really sure why it was such a big problem for me. Math has been, (or I guess was, until this class, at least), something that always came very easily to me. Nothing that we apparently learned in algebra-1 or algebra-2 was ever this complex; it was just the basics. Now, we have radicals over radicals divided by quadratics… just as a denominator. That’s not anything I had ever seen in my life. I barely remembered how to do the domain of simple equations, so that stuff really threw me through loops. Even if you make the simplest mistake, you’ve screwed up on the entire problem, and it’s not easy to come back from that. I messed up so many times, and instead of trying to come back, I threw my math everywhere and ended up just giving up; which I have never done before. Maybe some of it had to do with the 200+ homework questions, on stuff I didn’t know how to do, nonetheless, that just added to my stress-load and made me lose my mind. All in all, this first unit has been a real struggle for me lose my mind.
B.O.B - reflection on a class
The class I am reflecting on is math in general, both Pre-Calc Functions and AP Stats. Yes, I am taking two math classes and yes, I did double up last year too. It's because I. LOVE. MATH. Weird right? But my love of all things math (with the small exception of chemistry, blah) is a big part of my problem. I love math partly because it never changes, that is, there is a right answer and a wrong answer (usually). However, I must admit that a big part of my fondness of math comes from the fact that math has aslways been really easy for me. At least it used to be easy for me. But now, I have to say I find myself struggling somewhat in both maths, more in Stats. The first test I took in AP Stats, I got a D on. A stupid "D". That, I gotta say, was a first. And while it may have majorly freaked me out, I have to admit that I find it a humbling experience. I now realize that although it is nice to be able to breaze through my classes I will not be able to do that forever. Now that I know that those AP tests are death on paper I have picked up my study habits. But I hope I never forget the lesson learned that not everything in my life will come easy and I can not afford to glide by any longer. So thank up Mr. Jones and Mr. Jackson for this new outlook on my work habits and, kind of, on life.
Muddiest Point
I have always loved math classes, however I have had a really hard time in the first couple weeks of this class. Even though most of the work should have been review from previous years of math, I struggled with several of the homework problems. I felt so overwhelmed with trying to learn the new things, that I was forgetting basic math skills such as multiplying by reciprocals, simplifying rationals, and radicals with exponents. My 'muddiest point' in the unit was the composition problems in packet 2.7 (#'s 33, 35, and 36 especially). I mainly understood the concept of having an inner and outer function and simplifying them, I just had a hard time finding the final function's domain. There are just so many factors that need to be considered when finding the domains, especially when there are rationals and radicals or even both involved. You have to remember that a radical cannot have a negative number underneath, and it also cannot have a 0 underneath if the radical is in the denominator of a rational. Rational functions cannot have a 0 in the denominator, and if a quadratic is under a radical, you have to find where the quadratic is negative to take it out of the domain.......and on top of all that, you have to combine the domains of both of the original functions with the domain of the final composed function to see where they intersect. For me, it really helped to draw number lines to help with overlapping the domains.
Also, I really liked the motivational video that Mr. Jackson showed us during class. It reminded me that things are not always going to be easy and you have to work hard to succeed. I definitely did not stay awake all night working on math and only math every night, but I did come in early several mornings to work with Mr. Jackson. Not only could I get my questions answered (right when I needed) but it gave me time that I could focus only on math without other distractions. I'm not saying that everyone should go and get help at 4:00am every morning, but sacrificing 1-1&1/2 hours before school for a few mornings really helped me make it through this unit and work through my 'muddiest points'.
Also, I really liked the motivational video that Mr. Jackson showed us during class. It reminded me that things are not always going to be easy and you have to work hard to succeed. I definitely did not stay awake all night working on math and only math every night, but I did come in early several mornings to work with Mr. Jackson. Not only could I get my questions answered (right when I needed) but it gave me time that I could focus only on math without other distractions. I'm not saying that everyone should go and get help at 4:00am every morning, but sacrificing 1-1&1/2 hours before school for a few mornings really helped me make it through this unit and work through my 'muddiest points'.
5th hour
I would have to say that my "Muddiest Point" of this unit was understanding function notation. There was something about it that i just couldnt grasp. As i reflect back on the untit I think that there were some things that I could have and probably should have done in order to get better. If I would have been able to make time to come in before or after class I probably would have understood more from this unit. My progress can only go up from here and no that I know this class isnt easy im going to have to work at it. One thing from this unti that i thought was cool was that in a cubic function the domain and range will always be all real numbers. One thing that I didnt understand for a while was how to graph radicals, the "moment of clarity" was when we took notes on doman vs. range and we walked throuhg it step by step, at that point I was able to look at it and take it slow and figure out how to do it.
B.O.B. "Muddiest Point" - Clarity
Dear Blogger Family,
There have been multiple times in
PreCalc Functions where I have felt a little (lot) lost. Often times I find myself running to my
sisters for help. Both of them have
already graduated from college so this math is elementary for them. However, I found that usually I would
understand concepts better if I just sat back, took a minute and thought
through the problems. Now like I said,
this was a reoccurring ritual that would happen almost every night. My sisters would get fed up with my constant
questioning on how to carry out certain mathematical operations, especially
when I would barge into their rooms past midnight and disrupt their tranquil
slumber. Although their help was
useful, I found that I would retain the information better if I really took
time and solved the quagmire. With that
being said my “muddiest point” would have to be performing the composition of
functions. I did not struggle with all
of the problems but there were definitely a few scenarios that ‘stumped the chump’
(me). For example, when solving for an f(g(x))
and realizing that there was a square root under a square root in the
denominator. Ahhh! These problems
became tough when considering that the domain had to be zero or greater in the
inner square root and zero or greater in the outer square root and all not
equal to zero in the denominator. The
complexity of these problems was somewhat overwhelming at times, especially at
1:30 in the morning (every day).
However, with help from my sisters and at times just sitting back and
thinking about what I was really doing, I was able to push through this unit
and cross the finish line with moderate success.
Sweet Dreams,
Keep up the good work!
Please continue to put in the effort and don't give up. I know the test grades are disheartening, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure you are successful in this class. For some, this is your first disappointment with math. Don't let it discourage you. We as humans do our best when faced with failure. We continue to search for answers and learn from our mistakes. This is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter in your education.
Jackson out. (Star Trek nerd too)
Jackson out. (Star Trek nerd too)
Reaction to Failure
I feel very strongly that this unit was difficult. Math has never been a weakness for me so I usually don't stress about studying every night or staying late to ask questions. In this unit, Jackson threw some things at me that I had never had to deal with before, such as packets that seemed never ending when my life is so hectic as it is. Unfortunately my reaction to the work was mentally blocking it out or just completely shutting down. Jackson gave me a difficult task and I did not step up to the challenge. I am disappointed in myself and the way I reacted when something difficult got in my way. I truly believe my test grade will reflect the amount of work i put in on the packets. But a champion is defined on how he reacts to failure and I strive every day to be a champion. I now need to build on the things I have failed at and expand on the things I feel strong with. One of my strengths was identifying the domain and the range. I picked that up fairly easily. One thing I struggled with contiunaly was finding the inverse of a function. Now that I know what I need to do to be successful, I plan to attack this next unit with much hard work and focus. I fully believe if I can do these things then the outcome of this next unit will much different then the first. Don't stress pre calc students, "success is coming our way"
-Ben Hinamanu
-Ben Hinamanu
Throughout the course of the unit about the domain, I felt comfortable solving for the domain for the simple and even the complex equations. If I had to choose a "muddiest point" about the unit, I would say that many of the problems were quite long and complex. I made several mistakes on my homework where sometimes I just got lost in the problem and had to find my way out of it. Such as a problem where there was a radical under a radical which is all in the denominator. I have to make sure the first radical is zero or greater, and by taking that solution, the next radical has to be greater than zero. After that, I had to make sure the denominator did not equal zero. Going through the problem, if I was able to stay on track, I was easily able to find the domain. If not, then I made simple mistakes. On the test, I felt confident that I was able to solve even the toughest of problems, and I was pleased with the outcome.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've
lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game
winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan
-Michael Jordan
Overall this unit was pretty rough for me Though, my muddiest point was when we had all of the homework. I feel like I was too stressed out about getting it all done than really focusing on what I was doing and this caused me to struggle during the test. I honestly believe that I worked my hardest during this unit and tried my best to get the help that I could. This class is one of the hardest that I have ever taken so far and I will continue to work hard but, it is extremely frustrating and discouraging to not understand all of the material. I understand that there are high expectations for this course but it's hard to understand it all when we move on to harder things and I'm still trying to understand the basic stuff. This was a very stressful last couple of weeks and I hope that it gets better as we go.
I came into this math class thinking it would be just like any other math class, it just happens to turnout that i was very badly mistaken. At first we started out nice and slow and then boom 260 math problems over a few days (or so it felt). I have never been so overwhelmed in my life..not even in sports. I spent hours on hours studying and would finally start to think that I was starting to get it. I was wrong, very very wrong. I wish that I could pin point exactly where things went wrong. I came in for help, asked questions, and did all my homework except for 2 problems. I really had no idea where things went South. The more that I look back on this unit I have realized that I do not learn from examples. I learn from getting a genric set of steps to follow that when you do you get the right answer every single time. I felt very rushed throughout the entire unit and I realize now that speaking up would have been a great option. But I feel like you are the only person that I couldnget help from, none of my friends knew how to do it and I just felt trapped. I am still not very sure about handle this growing issue but I feel like it needs to be fixed quickly. I have never preformed so poorly on a math test in my entire life. Never gotten a B. Never failed at any one I am failing at all of them and I do not know what to do. It still is a mystery to me. I have never been in this situation before and I do not know how to handle it whatsoever. I think that your teaching style and the way that I am able to learn are on the opposite side of the spectrum. I just do not know exactly how I can learn this math. My 4.0 depends on it.
"Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"
~Albus Dumbledore
I didn't really get how to find the domain on some questions that had deviding with "x" on the bottom and the top of the equations.also when we had to make a graph out of just having the domain and range, like were to put them on the graph and how you would connect them.
The thing that i got the most was the domain and range of radical functions. i liked it the most because it came to me fast and stayed with me the most and i am glad that i got to understand something out of this unit.
By Alix
I didn't really get how to find the domain on some questions that had deviding with "x" on the bottom and the top of the equations.also when we had to make a graph out of just having the domain and range, like were to put them on the graph and how you would connect them.
The thing that i got the most was the domain and range of radical functions. i liked it the most because it came to me fast and stayed with me the most and i am glad that i got to understand something out of this unit.
By Alix
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Honestly, I went into this class not knowing much about graphs. Somehow, I had managed to go through years of math classes without actually trying to understand graphs, and why they work the way they do. Instead, I relied on memory. I memorized how graphs for certain functions look, and when that failed, I used my calculator. Then I walked into Pre-Calculus, and both of these methods became terribly useless to me. I used to think knowing a lot about graphs wasn't that important, but once we started working on the packets for this class, my mindset changed completely. Without knowing what the graph looked like, I found it difficult to understand the function in general. On the first quiz, I didn’t know how to actually think about the functions to determine their domains and ranges, and instead I tried to rely on my memory to recreate our note sheet on domain and range. And memory is great, I suppose. Except when I think I remember something, and I don’t. As days continued, I found that not only had I actually started to logically think about what the domain of a function would be and why, but I had also started drawing graphs on some of my assignments: graphs from my own mind, not my calculator.
My initial reaction was to worry when I saw that we weren’t allowed to use calculators on the test. What am I supposed to do? I knew that it had been a while since I had used my calculator to look at a graph. I knew that it had been weeks since I had used the table on my calculator to hopelessly search for the vertex or the domain. Yet still, I wasn’t quite sure what to do without it. I didn’t need it. But over the years, it has been there to comfort me. When I doubted myself in the past, I always checked my calculator. As I looked back, though, on all of the complicated problems that I had solved on my own, and also all of the ones that I had failed to solve correctly at first, I realized that I had come a long way. Everyone is going to make mistakes at some point. But there comes a time when we have to realize that what we have been using to hold us up could actually be tearing us down. No, my calculator was not destroying me. It is still very necessary for many problems, and will continue to be. Throughout this unit, though, I realized that I can’t always rely on my memory or my calculator. I know that I’m going to mess up, and I’ve accepted that. But I’m not going to stop trying to understand. I’m not going to give up. If anything, this unit has taught me that it’s all worth it: the stress, the seemingly endless homework, the lack of sleep. It’s not just about the grade. It’s about understanding and learning and trying even when nothing really seems to make sense.
It’s about understanding the function without a calculator: learning to let go of all the anchors that hold you down, and swimming through all of the currents that keep you from moving forward.
- Paige
Blogging on Blogging!!!!
When I first started this math class, I thought to myself "this is gonna be a piece of cake!!!" But unfortunately, I was wrong..... I figured that is was just going to be a normal math class, which I think I've always excelled at. I never had to study, I never had to try. Shoot, I didn't even have to pay attention. Everything just snapped with me, ya know, it just clicked. But with this, I just don't get it. I try and try and try and try, but nothing hits me. I study, I do my homework, and I pay attention in class. But i just can't seem to grasp the concept of it :( For some reason I'm actually struggling. The video that Mr.Jackson showed us in class I've seen time and time again, while trying to motivate myself for sports. I never really thought of it to try to motivate me with anything else, especially with school. It worked though, it really did. I was shocked. I was super super motivated. I still am, but I'm still struggling to grasp the concept. I really hope that the next unit is a little easier to understand.
A reflective comment on your progress in the course:
I think my progress is going well and still progressing, because we are only at the beginning of the trimester. I have already learned a lot about domain and expanded my knowledge on radical and rational functions. I am enjoying this class, am looking forward to learning more, and preparing for AP Calculas next year. The only thing I don't like about this class is the work load we had in this unit, it was a lot to handle, and it was very time consuming. I feel good about how this class has been going so far and hope I feel the same after the next unit.
I think my progress is going well and still progressing, because we are only at the beginning of the trimester. I have already learned a lot about domain and expanded my knowledge on radical and rational functions. I am enjoying this class, am looking forward to learning more, and preparing for AP Calculas next year. The only thing I don't like about this class is the work load we had in this unit, it was a lot to handle, and it was very time consuming. I feel good about how this class has been going so far and hope I feel the same after the next unit.
bob progress.
When i began this class i was as confident as i usually am in math/any class. i can usually do well with minamal effort. This class was different. This unit came fast and i didn't really know what i was doing all that well, im not sure if i know what i doing even now. but towards the end of the unit began to put forth more effort and i began to understand the homework a lot better. I realize now that i probably have try harder than i usually do.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The past week and a half or so has been extremely overwhelming for me. To be honest, it has been mostly because of math. This was because there was just so many worksheets and I was really struggling with some of the problems. Every night for the last week, I have worked on homework from the time I got home till I went to bed at 11 or so, with a 2ish hour break for dinner etc, and I will admit I still did not finish all the work despite how many hours I invested. Last night, my dad sat down with me for about 2 hours and helped me work through as many of the problems as we could get done, and I came in this morning to work as well. I think I struggled with these assignments because I was not fully prepared my previous teachers and I was not taught the required elements for Algebra 1. Although I really like Mr. Lator, he is not a very good teacher. He did not stay on topic in class, and did not teach us everything we were supposed to learn for future math classes which I am paying for now by not having learned everything. Now that we have completed the test for this unit, I am realizing how exhausted I am mentally and physically. I realize Mr. Jackson says we need to sacrifice sleep if you really want to reach your goals in math, or any goals in general, but in order for me to even be able to pay attention in class, I need enough sleep; I can not be too tired otherwise I will zone out, and not learn anything that day which will put me behind. I am not saying that I am not willing to sacrifice some sleep, but I am going to stay up till 1, 2, or even 3 AM working on homework. Although the video was very inspirational, I am going to apply it to my life in ways other than losing sleep. I will be applying it to tennis, as well as school obviously, since this sport has become such a big part of my life. If I push myself hard enough this winter, I will hopefully become a better player and teammate. I'm sorry this is so long and gets off topic a bit, but Mr. Jackson said to go in depth, so here you go!
Bee Oh Bee
I'm just going to start out and say that this entire unit was my muddiest thing. But seriously, I have had such a hard time with this. I would start to understand something, then I realized I'd been doing it wrong the whole time, which sucks. I also definitely made everything way more difficult than it needed to be. For example, I'd think I wasn't doing something right when I was. That also sucks a lot. Haha I just have to say I'm glad that this unit is over and I almost cried during this test!
Dannica Schmannica :)
Dannica Schmannica :)
B.O.B. Still pretty muddy :/
So far i think the thing I've had the most issue with is the composition of function problems. I'm taking that entirely upon myself because I have a really hard time asking questions (and talking in general), and I'll convince myself that I don't need the help. So I'll be half way through the problem and I'll find myself way off track trying to solve for "x" or something. I'll try to rework it and nothing better happens still. That's when I end up giving up and feeling sorry for myself. I have been googling stuff on composition of functions and I suppose I sort of get it a little better.. but I am still in the mud :(
Starting out I thought this class would be like any other math class I had taken. Math has always been my best and favorite class. The first week in I knew this wasn't your typical math class but I still treated it as one. I listened when the teacher was talking and I started doing my homework the day it was assigned. Then a problem occurred, I did not have any idea what I was doing. I thought asking the people around me would help but it turned out even then I didn't get it. The worst was dealing with fractions and having to find the domain. Up until the quiz I thought I was doing it right but I never really asked. so when I got my quiz back I was shocked how much I didn't know. At that point I was lost. I did not understand why I was struggling in my best subject. Then Mr. Jackson showed us the motivational video. It may come as a shock but that was my first time seeing that video. I couldn't believe how much it inspired me. I find myself relating anything I want in life to that video. I realized that if I want to succeed in not only this class but life as well I have to start making sacrifices. Almost everyday since then I have been at the school early to clear up some of the fogginess I have had with the homework. If it wasn't for Mr. Jackson showing us that video I don't think I would be looking at life the same way I do now. That video taught me that if you want something bad enough you will work for it and not let something as small as sleep get in the way.
Don't forget...
Make sure that by Friday (11:59 p.m.) you have done your first B.O.B. I really want some of you to think a little bit more about what you're writing. Dig deeper and analyze the issues you had with this first unit. Be VERY specific! If I comment on your blog post and ask for more, make sure you respond. Don't do this just for the homework points, do this because reflecting on your learning will actually benefit you in this course in the long-run. Happy blogging!
P.S. Check your current captial letter status here: Skyward
P.S. Check your current captial letter status here: Skyward
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Unit 1 BOB
When I first started this class I was expecting it be more like my previous math classes. I was expecting to start slow and gradually work into harder work in a larger quantity. However, when I got a packet of homework on the third day I was surprised. I was not completely used to my new routine schedule since summer ended and school started. I procrastinated a lot and did not ask for help for the few problems I would work on. When I realized the deadline was coming up I knew I had to kick it up a notch. I did not understand a lot of the work that I was attempting to do and felt bad asking Mr. Jackson a question every ten seconds. I worked out what I could and once I finally decided to ask for help I started to make a lot of progress. I finished two packets within a couple days and was feeling good. However, with each day I received more homework that was due at the same time as everything else and began to feel overwhelmed. I decided to make a point on getting as much work done as possible before it was due. I went home after soccer practice, grabbed some food, my homework and extra pencils and headed into my room to begin working. by the time I had everything set up to begin I had ate the last piece of my birthday cake and had about a liter of Mountain Dew ready to keep me up as long as I needed. While I dug into the math, I got stuck on some of the problems involving radicals and took a couple breaks here and there as I asked my dad for some assistance over the phone. Once I was past the hard stuff I focused on finishing as much work as possible. I worked hard into the night until I felt like my body was going to shut down before i could finish. I completed most of the homework to the best of my knowledge and turned it in after I finished the second part of the test. Next time I will be sure to prioritize my work better.
BOB... a Moment of Clarity
In the class we had far too many homework assignments to count or want to count. There was one problem in all of our countless hours of homework that I had issues with, and that problem was # 36 in our first packet, 2.6. The directions I recieved were not clear and I still didn't understand exactly what to do. I even asked Mr. Jackson for help... but to be honest it didn't help much. Then I decided to ask a student that had understood what the question was asking and I finally got it. Aaron actually helped me. Then, all the fog cleared out inside my head. The sun came out and the angels started singing inside my head. I finally understood!
B.O.B Memorable Class
We all remember the great motivational video Mr. Jackson showed us. I have seen it over ten times, but I still get chills every time I watch it. Normally, I relate the message to sports, more specifically swimming. After swimming at least two hours after school, the last thing I want to do is wake up at 5:30 the next morning to lift before school (yes Mr. Jackson, I know that is sleeping in for you). One of the key messages exemplified by the video is to keep going through the tough times, through the pain. I am able to relate this to swimming very well. However, when Mr. Jackson showed this in class, I saw it in a different light. Rather than loosing sleep to get up and lift, I might need to lose some sleep to study, and make sure I know the material. After that day my perspective has changed for the better, and for that I have Mr. Jackson to thank.....thanks Mr. Jackson. If anyone is interested in seeing the video again, heres a link to the one I had seen earlier
B.O.B Combining
My "muddiest point" in this unit so far has been combining functions. So it's no suprise that the 2.6 packet has been difficult for me. I can usually work my way through a simple combining functions problem, but when I have to find several combinations for two functions, I get lost. A perfect example is numbers 27 through 32 on the packet in question. I don't have any trouble with addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division when combining, but it gets trickly when I have to plug one function into another. I'm not sure if any of that made sence, but that's what I'm struggling with. I'm certainly much better now than at the introduction of this concept, but it's still what I'm the worst at.
B.O.B.- Reflection
The day in class that Mr. Jackson showed the video of the Hip Hop preacher, the messages really resonated with me. I have staying up late, and getting up early, spending alot of time at school and looking at other resources. I really liked the way that the hip hop preacher presented his case. Just remember (unless you are one of those crazy morning people) it is usually easier to just stay up and get it done than it is to try and get up and do it in the morning. With getting up, there are som many things that could go wrong. Your alarm doeasn't go off, you don't get up, you don't understand it, you don't have what you need, then it doesn't get done and you get stressed out. Just stay up and get it done. Something that goes along with this also is time management. When you get home, you are probably tires, ready to be done thinking and stuff like that. Allow yourself 15-30 minutes to do nothing, relax, do whatever you want, and don't do any school work. After that just crack doen and get your stuff done. But these things will only help if you want them to , they will only get done if you do it. You have to want to suceed more than anything else.
“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins
~ Stephany ~
“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins
~ Stephany ~
Well this first unit has been interesting. When Mr. Jackson said it was the hardest unit, I can only hope he was right. The whole time has been pretty much everybody wishing they were back in Algebra 1. This includes me. Of course. To sum up my feelings during this first unit I have a picture.
Yeah...this sums it up pretty well.
First unit...
How would you rate this first unit? Be honest, don't hold anything back!
Add comments below if necessary!
Add comments below if necessary!
B.O.B. Getting behind.
Some of you who realized, a couple weeks ago I missed four days of school to go see my brother graduate from the Army. Now, mind you, I got all my work for my five classes before I left. But as I started to try to work on it, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. I looked up online to see if I could try to figure out myself what was going on.
This whole unit, up until Thursday, has been pretty muddy for me. One of the hardest things for me was having to find the domain of rational functions. I had no idea that you had to take the part underneath the rational and set it greater than or equal to zero.
An Example:
So that means that the value "a" can only be greater than or equal to zero. So the domain would be [0, ∞ ). We use the bracket for zero because it can equal zero and the parenthesis because you cannot equal or touch infinity.
As the problems get longer and more complicated, this process gets more difficult. Then I would start making mistake and get really frustrated with myself. To me, it clicked when I stayed after school for a couple hours. It helped a ton so I could catch up on the stuff that I missed and understand the things that we were just beginning to learn and add to our previous skills. Morals of the story; Don't miss school as much as possible, come before or after school to get help, and don't get frustrated when you make a mistake.
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." - George Bernard Shaw
Abby Mellon
Some of you who realized, a couple weeks ago I missed four days of school to go see my brother graduate from the Army. Now, mind you, I got all my work for my five classes before I left. But as I started to try to work on it, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. I looked up online to see if I could try to figure out myself what was going on.
This whole unit, up until Thursday, has been pretty muddy for me. One of the hardest things for me was having to find the domain of rational functions. I had no idea that you had to take the part underneath the rational and set it greater than or equal to zero.
An Example:
So that means that the value "a" can only be greater than or equal to zero. So the domain would be [0, ∞ ). We use the bracket for zero because it can equal zero and the parenthesis because you cannot equal or touch infinity.
As the problems get longer and more complicated, this process gets more difficult. Then I would start making mistake and get really frustrated with myself. To me, it clicked when I stayed after school for a couple hours. It helped a ton so I could catch up on the stuff that I missed and understand the things that we were just beginning to learn and add to our previous skills. Morals of the story; Don't miss school as much as possible, come before or after school to get help, and don't get frustrated when you make a mistake.
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." - George Bernard Shaw
Abby Mellon
Monday, September 24, 2012
B.O.B. - Muddiest Point
My most difficult experience in this class (so far) was learning how to "complete the square." When it was taught in class, I didn't quite get it. I was pretty lost until Mr. Jackson explained #46 in the 2.7 Inverse Functions packet. I had previously watched the video in which WolframAlpha explained it, but it made absolutely no sense, probably because she didn't give any examples. When I watch Mr. Jackson do it, there were actually numbers that I could use to view the relationships between 2 variables. That made it MUCH easier to figure out what the deal was. The main issue was the (b/2)2. I couldn't figure out the reasoning behind doing this, or where to put this new value in the function, etc. Now I understand it to the point where I can use it in the future (in class).
"If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." -- Thomas Edison
C-C-C-Cool! (B.O.B.)
What i found cool in this class was how i wasent able to understand my last class. Please buckle your seatbelts i know nothing has made sense so far. Last year i had great amounts of trouble with triganomitry. I wasent able to solve very well and i was told i was missing a critical course (Pre-calc functions). Now that i am taking this course a world of math is opening up right before my eyes and its great that i can finaly understand what i wasent able to comprehend before!
-Noah D. Volshinstien
"Mr.Churchill your drunk!"
"yes ma'am i am. And you ma'am are ugly! But i shall be sober tomorrow"
-Noah D. Volshinstien
"Mr.Churchill your drunk!"
"yes ma'am i am. And you ma'am are ugly! But i shall be sober tomorrow"
Sunday, September 23, 2012
B.O.B -"Muddiest Point"
I have always enjoyed math because it has made sense to me. In this unit though, I am finding the concept of simplifying functions to be quite confusing. My "Muddiest Point" has been trying to simplify rational and radical functions. I am unsure as to when to simplify a function and when the function is already in its simpliest form. The videos Mr. Jackson posted have been a big help, I am feeling a little better about simplifying some functions now. In the homework, one problem in particular has given me trouble:
(x/x-2) +2 / 2(x/x-2) +1.
The fraction in both the numerator and the denominator are difficult for me to figure out. I tried finding a common denominator and then flipping the fractions and multiplying them but I got lost some how flipping more than one fraction. Although I am stuck, I do not plan to give up. I am so thankful Mr. Jackson lets us come in before school to get help. Hopefully, this will make sense before the test on Tuesday.
"A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience." Grant Fairley
(x/x-2) +2 / 2(x/x-2) +1.
The fraction in both the numerator and the denominator are difficult for me to figure out. I tried finding a common denominator and then flipping the fractions and multiplying them but I got lost some how flipping more than one fraction. Although I am stuck, I do not plan to give up. I am so thankful Mr. Jackson lets us come in before school to get help. Hopefully, this will make sense before the test on Tuesday.
"A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience." Grant Fairley
Friday, September 21, 2012
Homework help...
I'll add videos to this post over the weekend, so pay attention as it grows! Comment for questions or email me!
This video will help with completing the square. This is needed for finding the inverse for #32 (when there are two x's and they have different powers). I will help you solve this through a video of my own, but I thought you should at least try it on your own first! Re-learn how to complete the square, then try it! Completing the square will NOT be on the test.
WolframAlpha is awesome at finding inverse functions. If you stumble, ask them for a quick check!
Below are a few problems from Section 2.6. If you have any other specific questions, please let me know and I'll make a new post!
This video will help with completing the square. This is needed for finding the inverse for #32 (when there are two x's and they have different powers). I will help you solve this through a video of my own, but I thought you should at least try it on your own first! Re-learn how to complete the square, then try it! Completing the square will NOT be on the test.
WolframAlpha is awesome at finding inverse functions. If you stumble, ask them for a quick check!
Below are a few problems from Section 2.6. If you have any other specific questions, please let me know and I'll make a new post!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Early morning help!
Hey Jackson!
I want to come in early tomorrow to just work, what time will you be there?
I want to come in early tomorrow to just work, what time will you be there?
Stats, stats, stats...
Holy cosine function! I didn't realize people still used Internet Explorer until I looked at the stats for our blog. Ya'll are crazy!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What do you think?
I know a lot of you are having a difficult time right now, so I have a question for me crazy, but we might need to move the test back? Let me know. Be honest with yourself and if you want, leave a comment.
Homework would be due on whatever day we decide the test will be!
Homework would be due on whatever day we decide the test will be!
Letter to Myself
Dear Sorcerer,
I am writing from the year 2020 to tell you to keep on pushing in everything you do. I know that you have a very difficult schedule trying to balance physics, AP stats, pre-calc, and AP chemistry, and football all at the same time but it does get easier. In the end, it will make college much easier to already have credits done and background in other areas. Just keep pushing yourself and don't lose motivation! The second you lose motivation everything becomes much more difficult. Follow this advice and you will do great in life.
Your future self,
Mr. Jim
I am writing from the year 2020 to tell you to keep on pushing in everything you do. I know that you have a very difficult schedule trying to balance physics, AP stats, pre-calc, and AP chemistry, and football all at the same time but it does get easier. In the end, it will make college much easier to already have credits done and background in other areas. Just keep pushing yourself and don't lose motivation! The second you lose motivation everything becomes much more difficult. Follow this advice and you will do great in life.
Your future self,
Mr. Jim
A letter to my younger self
Dear Me,
I've been keeping an eye on you. Keep doing a good job in school, believe me it WILL pay off. Your probably freaking out because this is a letter from your 40 year old self, knock it off! This is perfectly normal. A little insight on the future, if you're going to place any bets in your life, bet on the Lions winning the Superbowl of 2036... it was an amazing underdog win!! And don't stop looking for the One, you will find her and she is amazing. Stay in school and stay out of trouble!
Love, 40 year old Cole M. De Kett
I've been keeping an eye on you. Keep doing a good job in school, believe me it WILL pay off. Your probably freaking out because this is a letter from your 40 year old self, knock it off! This is perfectly normal. A little insight on the future, if you're going to place any bets in your life, bet on the Lions winning the Superbowl of 2036... it was an amazing underdog win!! And don't stop looking for the One, you will find her and she is amazing. Stay in school and stay out of trouble!
Love, 40 year old Cole M. De Kett
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I suppose I should start this off by telling you I'm a vegetarian and have been one for over three years. It isn't because I was forced into it or for some relious reasonings or anything among those lines but, instead, by choice. MY CHOICE. Now I am sure everyone who doesn't believe in this choice has some kind of comment/concern popping up into there head this very moment they are reading this. Just hear me out in this post and keep those comments to yourself(because, believe me, I've heard it all).
I'm not going to lie to you. The soul reason I became a vegetarian in the first place was because of watching a video by PETA on YouTube about slaughter houses and their "inhumanity". Among readings and other reseach, I now realize that video was completely incorrect. I still feel no need of the consumption of animals; therefore, have continued the practice of vegetarianism.
Yes, I do understand the reasonings behind why we should eat meat:
As long as one knows how to take care of themselves and their needed nutrient intake, there is not a need for the consumption of meat.
Many vegetarians main reason for becoming one is for health concerns. MY REASON? Because I really love animals. Yes, it's that simple. Anyone who really knows me knows this. I could go on about this for hours I'm sure but, for the reader's sake I will keep it to this.
I'm not going to lie to you. The soul reason I became a vegetarian in the first place was because of watching a video by PETA on YouTube about slaughter houses and their "inhumanity". Among readings and other reseach, I now realize that video was completely incorrect. I still feel no need of the consumption of animals; therefore, have continued the practice of vegetarianism.
Yes, I do understand the reasonings behind why we should eat meat:
- that's why we have inscisor teeth
- needs of certain nutrients
- and the pure satisfaction of taste
- ect.
As long as one knows how to take care of themselves and their needed nutrient intake, there is not a need for the consumption of meat.
Many vegetarians main reason for becoming one is for health concerns. MY REASON? Because I really love animals. Yes, it's that simple. Anyone who really knows me knows this. I could go on about this for hours I'm sure but, for the reader's sake I will keep it to this.
What Inspires Me?
I read Taylor's post and I'm gonna have to agree. I am inspired by people who have to overcome obstacles. Like for example last year in History class our teacher showed us a video of a former college wrestler who had no arms or legs who reached the peak of Mt. Kiliamjaro. And I was thinking to myself if a man who can even type like I am now but still climbs one of the tallest mountains in the world whatever my excuse is clearly sucks. And I think that a lot of people just quit because they think that things are hard in their lives when they dont even think about what terrible things happen outside of our perfect country and yet those people still find happiness and joy in all the little in life while you are still whining about how your boyfriend/ girlfriend broke up with you so yeah.
A letter for later
Hello 40 year old Allie,
As of now you should definitely be leading a great life. Obviously college was a definite goal (you better be done by now). Also you should have already accomplished many great things including: creating a new Apple product, finding cures for diseases, been behind the making of a hover board, etc, etc. If you have not done these things please create a time machine to go back in time to do so. After doing this if you're not already rich please get a job involving math or technology because I do not feel like having a job that makes me miserable. Next some questions, right now the new iPhone (iPhone 5) is 4 inches, how tall is it now? Also are there any good movies out (not including scary ones because no matter how much you think you will like them you won't)? Lastly I hope you stay in touch with your old friends because they are keepers. Anyway in the next 25 years I just got to say, work hard and have fun doing so.
Your #1 fan,
15 year old Allie
Corbin: Letter to Me
Letter to Me
Dear 40 year old self,
First off, if you are reading this and you are over 220 pounds, I'm disappointed. You were once a fit, athletic teenager. Keep it that way. I hope you are happy with all things you have done in your life. As a young seventeen year old boy you didn't really have fun with your life. As a kid all you ever did was focus on swimming, and school. I haven't lived life to the fullest, but I plan to change that. I would like to go to college and swim. Meet a girl, get married, start a family, and live the rest of my life as a happy man. If you haven't achieved your goals in life, you are losing time. Remember life is not about what you do, it's if your happy with what you have done. Going to the Olympics for swimming or having that dream job is all a pleasure, but if it doesn't make you happy, and it's not worth it to you then move on. Achieve greatness, but being happy with that greatness is the hardest task of all. If you have gotten all that you ever wanted and you are happy congratulation. All the hard work and effort you have ever put into life has paid off. Just a few words of advise, be a nice parent, but also be a strict parent. The easiest way to protect your kids is by being as influential in their lives as possible. Spank your kids when they're little, and ground them when they are older, but the main thing is to teach them their life lessons. Another thing, make sure you have a well taken care of lawn. Trim it, plant flowers, weed eat it, just make it look good. A nice lawn shows how much of a man you are. Finally, don't forget your family. They are the best friends you could ever have. They will be there for you, and they will always need you. Call David up and tell him you love him. Go see mom and dad. Be there for your family when they need you. I hope you have lived a great life so far. keep pushing, and never give up . I plan on working hard now, and I sure hope you are working hard then.
P.S. It will be really disappointing if don't still have abs of steel. Work on those abs!!
Dear 40 year old self,
First off, if you are reading this and you are over 220 pounds, I'm disappointed. You were once a fit, athletic teenager. Keep it that way. I hope you are happy with all things you have done in your life. As a young seventeen year old boy you didn't really have fun with your life. As a kid all you ever did was focus on swimming, and school. I haven't lived life to the fullest, but I plan to change that. I would like to go to college and swim. Meet a girl, get married, start a family, and live the rest of my life as a happy man. If you haven't achieved your goals in life, you are losing time. Remember life is not about what you do, it's if your happy with what you have done. Going to the Olympics for swimming or having that dream job is all a pleasure, but if it doesn't make you happy, and it's not worth it to you then move on. Achieve greatness, but being happy with that greatness is the hardest task of all. If you have gotten all that you ever wanted and you are happy congratulation. All the hard work and effort you have ever put into life has paid off. Just a few words of advise, be a nice parent, but also be a strict parent. The easiest way to protect your kids is by being as influential in their lives as possible. Spank your kids when they're little, and ground them when they are older, but the main thing is to teach them their life lessons. Another thing, make sure you have a well taken care of lawn. Trim it, plant flowers, weed eat it, just make it look good. A nice lawn shows how much of a man you are. Finally, don't forget your family. They are the best friends you could ever have. They will be there for you, and they will always need you. Call David up and tell him you love him. Go see mom and dad. Be there for your family when they need you. I hope you have lived a great life so far. keep pushing, and never give up . I plan on working hard now, and I sure hope you are working hard then.
P.S. It will be really disappointing if don't still have abs of steel. Work on those abs!!
Letter to self
Dear Future Andrew,
You better be working at google while owning an orangutan habitat at your mansion. Of course you have your have your own water park and go kart track ( in your basement), while also having a helicopter pad on your roof. I am pretty sure that sums up all of what my future is gonna be like so stay classy.
Past Andrew
You better be working at google while owning an orangutan habitat at your mansion. Of course you have your have your own water park and go kart track ( in your basement), while also having a helicopter pad on your roof. I am pretty sure that sums up all of what my future is gonna be like so stay classy.
Past Andrew
Inspiration in my life
There are many things in my life that inspire me. First and foremost when I see people overcome obstacles in their life it inspires me very much. It shows me that they never give up. Additionally, people who have disabilities and still show happiness in their life shows me I shouldn't take life for granted. This inspires me to appreciate everyday and to not worry about small things. The person who inspires me the most would be my mom. My mom works very hard and she is a very independent woman. In conclusion, inspiration can be found in a variety of aspects in my life on a daily basis.
Dear 40 year old Seth,
I bet you still look great. Hopefully your hair isn't as white as your fathers. I'm sure your very successful and you bath in money every morning. It must feel great that all of your hard work has finaly payed off. Im sure you were right when you were in highschool when you told everyone that we were wasting hours on end on things that we will never use again in your lifetime. Nice talking to you stud.
love 17 year old seth
I bet you still look great. Hopefully your hair isn't as white as your fathers. I'm sure your very successful and you bath in money every morning. It must feel great that all of your hard work has finaly payed off. Im sure you were right when you were in highschool when you told everyone that we were wasting hours on end on things that we will never use again in your lifetime. Nice talking to you stud.
love 17 year old seth
Message to future, middle-aged self
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Dear Mr. Dr. Sir Patrick Alan Hyatt (whichever title is most fitting)
Now I know after going to an I.V. league school, you were flooded with job offerings. It was tough decision, but I know made the right one. Now, it is understandable that you are making so much money you do not know what to do with it. Here are some suggestions: 1) Charity, always think of others in need. 2) A few very nice Quads. 3) (future equivalence of)Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8, Arial Adam (supercharged of course), or the Mercedes Benz SLK. 4) Private Island with non-parishable food, water purifying plant, nuclear safe house, and a lot of guns and ammo (for the zombie apocalypse, duh). Other than that I am sure you know what to buy. All these materials are great, but make sure you stay in perspective; money cannot buy everything. By now I am sure you have found the right person to love, cherish, and start a family with. If not, "Suit up!" (Barney Stinson). A wise man once said, "Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true,"(Lean Suenes), go make your dreams true!
Patrick Hyatt
Dear Mr. Dr. Sir Patrick Alan Hyatt (whichever title is most fitting)
Now I know after going to an I.V. league school, you were flooded with job offerings. It was tough decision, but I know made the right one. Now, it is understandable that you are making so much money you do not know what to do with it. Here are some suggestions: 1) Charity, always think of others in need. 2) A few very nice Quads. 3) (future equivalence of)Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8, Arial Adam (supercharged of course), or the Mercedes Benz SLK. 4) Private Island with non-parishable food, water purifying plant, nuclear safe house, and a lot of guns and ammo (for the zombie apocalypse, duh). Other than that I am sure you know what to buy. All these materials are great, but make sure you stay in perspective; money cannot buy everything. By now I am sure you have found the right person to love, cherish, and start a family with. If not, "Suit up!" (Barney Stinson). A wise man once said, "Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true,"(Lean Suenes), go make your dreams true!
Patrick Hyatt
A rambling about what inspires me and who I am as a person
What inspires me? This is the only question I can bring
myself to answer at the moment, and even now I’m struggling a bit (it’s been a
long past couple of weeks). I think that doubt and preconceived notions about
myself inspires me the most. I love it when people doubt me. I thrive when someone
says I’m not good enough, or under-estimates me. It’s funny, because people
know almost nothing about me. So, automatically, they jump to completely wrong
and ridiculous conclusions. It’s hilarious to me when I’m talking to someone
for the first time and they look at me, very seriously, and they say something
like “wow, I didn’t know you were actually smart.” At least get to know me
before you judge me.
Ever since I heard this quote, it’s really stuck to me. The quote
is from Eminem. Anyone that knows me well knows that Eminem is one of my idols.
I’ve listened to his music since I was little. Anywho, the quote is “You have enemies?
Good, that means you stood up for something.” I have a lot of enemies, but "I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that (Eminem)." I am very opinionated. Thus, I stand up for what I believe in very passionately. But, no matter what people say, or how much you may not like me, I will never change who I am. I will always be the same person. My clothes will change, my friends may change, my name may even change for some strange reason, but I will always be me. Whether you like that or not isn't my desicion. Nor do I honestly care. But that's how it always will be.
“Behind every successful person lies a pack of haters (Eminem).”
-Andy M.
How to Make a Fajita:
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First, cut up vegetables of your choice (I used onion, and red bell pepper), shred some cheese, and cut up some meat (I used left over steak and chicken) |
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Secondly, saute the vegetables. |
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Thirdly, heat the meat. |
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Next, put a tortilla in the pan and sprinkle cheese on one half. |
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Then add the desired amount of meat. |
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Next, add the vegetables. |
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Then fold both sides together. |
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Cut into wedges, add some sour cream, salsa or tomatoes and enjoy! |
Answer: How do you factor out a quadratic equation?
Here is the base equation:
Here is the equation I will be using for this tutorial:
With this equation...
a = 1 (default- if no specific "a" value is given, it is automatically 1)
b = -13
c = 42
The first thing you have to do is determine the factors of c (42).
1 * 42
2 * 21
3 * 14
6 * 7
Remember, when you multiply 2 negatives together, you still get a positive.
-1 * -42
-2 * -21
-3 * -14
-6 * -7
So, all those factors have potential. How do we determine which set to use? Simply determine which pair of numbers will ADD up to the value of "b" (which, in this case, is -13)
1 + 42 = 43
2 + 21 = 23
3 + 14 = 17
6 + 7 = 13
-1 + -42 = -43
-2 + -21 = -23
-3 + -14 = -17
-6 + -7 = -13 <--- This is the right one
We have determined that the numbers -6 and -7 give a product of 42 and a sum of -13. That was the hard part. All you have to do now is plug it in. For this example, we'll just equate -6 to "d" and -7 to "e." You don't necessarily have to have the numbers in that order- they can be switched. (i.e. you could make -6 "e" and -7 "d," etc.) Use this formula:
(x + d)(x + e)
The "x" is in there because that's the variable that is in this function. If you plug in "d" and "e," it should look something like this:
(x + -6)(x + -7) or, when simplified so you're not adding negatives, (x - 6)(x - 7)
And that's your final answer: (x - 6)(x - 7)
To check your answer, simply re-expand it. (If this is being read by someone who doesn't know quadratics very well, expanding means working out the new problem you have created)
Using the equation you've created: (x -6)(x - 7) multiply each variable / number in the first set of parentheses by each variable / number in the second set of parentheses. Example:
x * x = x2
x * -7 = -7x
-6 * x = -6x
-6 * -7 = 42
Then, add your answers together: x2 + -7x + -6x + 42.
This equals your original equation of: x2 - 13x + 42
If this result is not the same as your original equation, you have done something wrong along the way and need to start over.
What if "a" is more/less than 1 (default)?
Good question.
Remember, the base equation is ax2 + bx + c
Here's an example function: 2x2 + 20x + 50
In this example, the current value of 'a' is 2.
First, restructure the equation by relocating the 2 to the outside of the rest of the function. You can achieve this by "dividing" the equation by 2. Then, to make sure that this new restructured equation is equivalent to the original, put the 2 on the outside with your new equation in parentheses. It should look like this:
2(x2 + 10x + 25)
Then, you can use the previously discussed method to factor out the equation that's in the parentheses. 5 * 5 = 25, and 5 + 5 = 10. Therefore, you would use 5 for both "d" and "e" in your factored form.
2(x + 5)(x + 5)
What if there is no "b" value?
There's always a "b" value- in this case, it is simply equal to zero. Take this equation for example:
2x2 - 32
Remember the "divide by 'a'" trick?
2(x2 - 16)
Then factor it out. Remember, 16 is a square number.
2(x - 4)(x + 4)
Those 4's aren't included in the original function because -4 + 4 = 0 (which is the "b" value). However, -4 * 4 = -16 (the "c" value), so that was included.
Any questions? CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? Comment!
Great Story
There was this short story that I read in a book a long time ago. This story, for some reason, stayed in my mind. I read it so long ago I don't really know the book name, just the story. I don't know what the title of this short story is either. If anyone recognizes, tell me. Here it is:
There were two men deathly ill sharing a hospital room with each other. One of these men had to sit up in his bed to let his blood flow down to his extremities. His bed sat next to the room's one window. The other man had to lay down all day on his back. He wasn't allowed to move. These two men would talk for hours about their life stories and how they have little time left on the Earth.
For an hour each day, when the man by the window would sit up, he would tell the other ill man what he saw out the window. The man on his bed would wait all day for his roommate to tell him all the vivid descriptions of the outside world. Which he never sees anymore. Outside this window was a gorgeous lake surrounded by many birds of all species. There would be kids throwing out bread crumbs to the hungry geese. There was always a couple having a picnic by that big oak tree that reflected agianst the rippling tides of the lake. Sometimes, on good days, there would be a group of turtles that would swim up on to the sand and sunbath on the beach.
The man by the window would tell these stories to his roommate. That man would close his eyes and imagine the beach. He could see the swans floating, hear the band playing, feel the tiny trinkets of water splash up. This is what the man looked forward for, for weeks.
When unfortunately, one morning, the nurse came into the room and noticed the man by the window has died. The man laying down in his bed was devastated with this news. He was crying when the nurses took his only friend's body out the door to never be seen agian.He called to one of the nurses shortly after to see if he could move to the bed by the window. The nurse moved him to his new bed by the window.
Slowly, the man tired to sit up from his bed and look out the window to see all the things his friend was talking about.
The window faced a blank brick wall. The man asked the nurse what drove his friend to say such wonderful things about what was outside the window. The nurse replied that the man was blind and couldn't even see the wall. He must have just wanted to inspire you.
There were two men deathly ill sharing a hospital room with each other. One of these men had to sit up in his bed to let his blood flow down to his extremities. His bed sat next to the room's one window. The other man had to lay down all day on his back. He wasn't allowed to move. These two men would talk for hours about their life stories and how they have little time left on the Earth.
For an hour each day, when the man by the window would sit up, he would tell the other ill man what he saw out the window. The man on his bed would wait all day for his roommate to tell him all the vivid descriptions of the outside world. Which he never sees anymore. Outside this window was a gorgeous lake surrounded by many birds of all species. There would be kids throwing out bread crumbs to the hungry geese. There was always a couple having a picnic by that big oak tree that reflected agianst the rippling tides of the lake. Sometimes, on good days, there would be a group of turtles that would swim up on to the sand and sunbath on the beach.
The man by the window would tell these stories to his roommate. That man would close his eyes and imagine the beach. He could see the swans floating, hear the band playing, feel the tiny trinkets of water splash up. This is what the man looked forward for, for weeks.
When unfortunately, one morning, the nurse came into the room and noticed the man by the window has died. The man laying down in his bed was devastated with this news. He was crying when the nurses took his only friend's body out the door to never be seen agian.He called to one of the nurses shortly after to see if he could move to the bed by the window. The nurse moved him to his new bed by the window.
Slowly, the man tired to sit up from his bed and look out the window to see all the things his friend was talking about.
The window faced a blank brick wall. The man asked the nurse what drove his friend to say such wonderful things about what was outside the window. The nurse replied that the man was blind and couldn't even see the wall. He must have just wanted to inspire you.
Dear Paige,
Hey, hope you got a nice job and a husband who isn't a total jerk face. I'm sure you got into some amazing Italian graduate school for art restoration after fluently learning Italian. High five to you future self.On another note I really hope that our self confidence has improved. Because we both know there is something lacking in that department. You also better have gotten your back tuck by senior year... just saying, it'd be sort of amazing. I really hope you are happy with the life you have right now. I wish you were here to tell me now that life gets easier because so far that seems impossible. No matter what you have accomplished I guess I'm just happy that you made it this far. I'm proud of you, keep it up and never give up.
You're friend..?
Hey, hope you got a nice job and a husband who isn't a total jerk face. I'm sure you got into some amazing Italian graduate school for art restoration after fluently learning Italian. High five to you future self.On another note I really hope that our self confidence has improved. Because we both know there is something lacking in that department. You also better have gotten your back tuck by senior year... just saying, it'd be sort of amazing. I really hope you are happy with the life you have right now. I wish you were here to tell me now that life gets easier because so far that seems impossible. No matter what you have accomplished I guess I'm just happy that you made it this far. I'm proud of you, keep it up and never give up.
You're friend..?
From: Greg of 2036
Dear Greg of 2012,
Well not much has changed since
those days of roaming the crowd clustered halls of Mason High School. You will experience many ups and downs in
the next twenty-four years of your life.
Greg, be prepared because you are going to get married in outer
space. You will have a lovely wife and
a bunch of restless children that you will take everywhere in your hovercraft. Before I forget, be sure to get that
Colonoscopy to avoid several other problems, trust me, I speak from experience.
Oh yeah, and remember, do not ever, ever, ever take a laxative and a sleeping
pill in the same night (your bedroom will forever smell and your wife will not be
happy). In 2030 be sure that you buy a
pair of anti-gravity boots and remember to not invest in the silly infomercials
that occupy every channel on Sunday mornings, especially the stock for pillow
pets, later you’ll thank me. Also, when
you end up on the PGA tour, the putt on the 18th green to win The
Masters and go 36 under par is downhill and breaks two inches to the left. Oh and I almost forgot, when you get the
opportunity of a lifetime to go on the game show WIPEOUT, don’t try to do a
flip onto the big balls, you’ll have a cast around your neck for 8 months. Well, the rest is just history, but remember
to enjoy every moment because it goes by fast.
P.S. Enjoy your honeymoon to the Great Wall of China.J
P.P.S. Take care and don’t do anything unexpected, I’m
watching You!
Greg of 2036
Dear 40 year old Noah Frankforter,
Looks like you made it this far, only the rest of your life to go. By now you should be either a famous rapper, DJ or rock star, and own a huge mansion in California, but not in San Francisco, because it's supposed to collapse into the sea by now. It's pretty much a given that you should have a wife and a couple of good-looking kids, or at least on the way. If you aren't any of the above, I'm a little disappointed, but it's okay, as long as you aren't living in a cardboard box on the streets of Lansing. If you haven't done any of the things that I have listed, then hopefully you're a world champion tennis player, won the Olympics and live in Berlin, Germany. If Germany still exists by then. Wow, I didn't even think about whether the world will even exist by the time you're 40. Geez... that's deep. Well, hopefully the world still exists, but if it doesn't that's too bad, but whatever.
Noah Frankforter
Looks like you made it this far, only the rest of your life to go. By now you should be either a famous rapper, DJ or rock star, and own a huge mansion in California, but not in San Francisco, because it's supposed to collapse into the sea by now. It's pretty much a given that you should have a wife and a couple of good-looking kids, or at least on the way. If you aren't any of the above, I'm a little disappointed, but it's okay, as long as you aren't living in a cardboard box on the streets of Lansing. If you haven't done any of the things that I have listed, then hopefully you're a world champion tennis player, won the Olympics and live in Berlin, Germany. If Germany still exists by then. Wow, I didn't even think about whether the world will even exist by the time you're 40. Geez... that's deep. Well, hopefully the world still exists, but if it doesn't that's too bad, but whatever.
Noah Frankforter
Letter to me
Life is never easy and never will be but you know that you can go to sleep and wake forgetting the problems of the past, for a while. Music has always been a way for you to express everything and get it out there. Don't be afraid, to change your mind about anything, college included do not let any one tell you that you have to do something because "it's what is best for you," you have to make some mistakes of your own. And perhaps you have already had your fair share of mistakes, but it doesn't mean that you have to stop living. Be inspired by your friend (s) to help you through anything you need. I hope you still have the joy of girl scouts and having with your friends. I wish you the best of luck with what ever we decide to do. Always remember Sundys class creative writing.
Best of luck,
Nicole R. Bryde
P.S. letter to me by Brad Paisley.........
Life is never easy and never will be but you know that you can go to sleep and wake forgetting the problems of the past, for a while. Music has always been a way for you to express everything and get it out there. Don't be afraid, to change your mind about anything, college included do not let any one tell you that you have to do something because "it's what is best for you," you have to make some mistakes of your own. And perhaps you have already had your fair share of mistakes, but it doesn't mean that you have to stop living. Be inspired by your friend (s) to help you through anything you need. I hope you still have the joy of girl scouts and having with your friends. I wish you the best of luck with what ever we decide to do. Always remember Sundys class creative writing.
Best of luck,
Nicole R. Bryde
P.S. letter to me by Brad Paisley.........
Foreign Knowledge
I learned a lot of stuff over the summer. Most of my unique learning was done in the company of the Advanced Biology group when we were in Costa Rica. While the trip was fun and exciting, my thirst for knowledge will be forever broadened. I experienced new things, took some risks (zip-lining, white water rafting, swimming the rapids, hiking an active volcano) and I hope they turn out not to be just once in a lifetime opportunities. I learned all kinds of things while on that trip, but one of my favorite experiences was the night we went on the Sea Turtle walk.
Imagine this- You are a child again, about 7 or 8. You wait crouched in the shrubs on the edge of the beach, all the while keeping a lookout for jaguars. You know your friends are hiding further down the beach. This will be the first time you have done this without your older brother. You are really excited because this expanse of time (March through May) is Leather Back Sea Turtle season. Finally you see one slowly, laboriously making its way up the beach. You wait as the turtle crawls to a place she feels safe to build a nest. You watch as she first digs the body hole and lowers herself into it. Then you duck for cover as she flings the dirt about with her back flippers: the process she uses to dig the egg chamber. You wait as she lays her eggs (100 to 150 at a time). When she is finished you watch her bury the eggs. You watch as she climbs out of the body hole and covers it with sand. She even drags weeds and driftwood over the nest to protect it from nest raiders such as jaguars. wild dogs and humans. (Before they were into conserving the turtles, people in Costa Rica would hunt the turtles during laying season for their shells and skins to make jewelry and for their meat. They also raided the nests for turtle eggs which are still sold on the black market today and used in a popular drink where an egg is cracked into a shot glass and mixed with alcohol.) As she begins her trek back to the sea, you seize the opportunity. You and your four friends burst out of the shrubs and climb on the turtles' back. You ride her all the way to the ocean, using touches on her nose like a brake system. When she gets close enough to get her flippers wet, you all quickly jump off and dash away. You move fast because you know that turtles can maneuver much quicker and more efficiently in water and she would not hesitate to bite your arm clean off!!
This is a story told to us by one of the guides, the night we took our walk. He told us this story and used a stick to draw intricate and accurate pictures of the five kinds of sea turtles that nest in Costa Rica during different times of the year. It was pretty cool. We ended up doing some of the things he described to us. We walked for a long time through the jungle at midnight, to get to the beach. There was some screaming along the way however, because no one was expecting the first wave of blue land crabs that we startled by walking through their territory. They are pretty big and walk sideways, and several went across the path, glaring at us with their eyes on long stalks. When we got to the beach we had to be quiet and wait for a turtle to come on shore. We were in Costa Rica during Giant Green Sea Turtle laying season, so the turtle we saw, though not as big as a leather back, was as big as my outstretched arms. You can only touch the turtles and get close to them when they fall into a trance and physically begin to lay their eggs. We got really close and got to see everything, we even got to touch the turtle. Of course, the guide waited until we were on the beach to tell us that she has seen jaguars with other groups there. It was a really cool experience. If you have any questions or want to know more about the trip or what we did, I will be happy to answer questions and share stories and pictures! The thing I am most amazed by from this trip was the amount of stuff that I learned. It was truly amazing!
~ Stephany ~
Imagine this- You are a child again, about 7 or 8. You wait crouched in the shrubs on the edge of the beach, all the while keeping a lookout for jaguars. You know your friends are hiding further down the beach. This will be the first time you have done this without your older brother. You are really excited because this expanse of time (March through May) is Leather Back Sea Turtle season. Finally you see one slowly, laboriously making its way up the beach. You wait as the turtle crawls to a place she feels safe to build a nest. You watch as she first digs the body hole and lowers herself into it. Then you duck for cover as she flings the dirt about with her back flippers: the process she uses to dig the egg chamber. You wait as she lays her eggs (100 to 150 at a time). When she is finished you watch her bury the eggs. You watch as she climbs out of the body hole and covers it with sand. She even drags weeds and driftwood over the nest to protect it from nest raiders such as jaguars. wild dogs and humans. (Before they were into conserving the turtles, people in Costa Rica would hunt the turtles during laying season for their shells and skins to make jewelry and for their meat. They also raided the nests for turtle eggs which are still sold on the black market today and used in a popular drink where an egg is cracked into a shot glass and mixed with alcohol.) As she begins her trek back to the sea, you seize the opportunity. You and your four friends burst out of the shrubs and climb on the turtles' back. You ride her all the way to the ocean, using touches on her nose like a brake system. When she gets close enough to get her flippers wet, you all quickly jump off and dash away. You move fast because you know that turtles can maneuver much quicker and more efficiently in water and she would not hesitate to bite your arm clean off!!
This is a story told to us by one of the guides, the night we took our walk. He told us this story and used a stick to draw intricate and accurate pictures of the five kinds of sea turtles that nest in Costa Rica during different times of the year. It was pretty cool. We ended up doing some of the things he described to us. We walked for a long time through the jungle at midnight, to get to the beach. There was some screaming along the way however, because no one was expecting the first wave of blue land crabs that we startled by walking through their territory. They are pretty big and walk sideways, and several went across the path, glaring at us with their eyes on long stalks. When we got to the beach we had to be quiet and wait for a turtle to come on shore. We were in Costa Rica during Giant Green Sea Turtle laying season, so the turtle we saw, though not as big as a leather back, was as big as my outstretched arms. You can only touch the turtles and get close to them when they fall into a trance and physically begin to lay their eggs. We got really close and got to see everything, we even got to touch the turtle. Of course, the guide waited until we were on the beach to tell us that she has seen jaguars with other groups there. It was a really cool experience. If you have any questions or want to know more about the trip or what we did, I will be happy to answer questions and share stories and pictures! The thing I am most amazed by from this trip was the amount of stuff that I learned. It was truly amazing!
~ Stephany ~
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