The past few days in AP Chemistry we have been learning some pretty cool stuff. Right now we are studying electromagnetic radiation (energy travelling on a wave).
Today we learned that energy can be in the form of matter and waves. The crazy thing is that matter can be a wave and that waves carry matter. Its hard to explain, so let me give you an example. Light. Photons (small bundles of energy) are released after an electron is exited. They travell at 3*10^8 m/s.
If E=mc^2 and E=planks constant(h) * frequency, then
mc^2 = h * frequency
therefore m=h/ wavelength * c
Using this, a Chemist by the name of Debrogue proved that photons are mass and travel on waves and that mass and waves are both forms of energy that are the same thing.
Very cool stuff. I'm glad that you're learning a lot in this class. Sounds like science is one of your favorite subjects!