an inspiring or animating action or influence
something inspired, as an idea.
a result of inspired activity.
a thing or person that inspires.
When you look at the definition, the meaning of the word inspiration, you can see that inspiration can come from anything. Anytime, anywhere. But most people, when asked what inspires them will answer with one specific activity or idea. Most likely that is what inspires them the most but is that the only thing that inspires them? The answer is no, it's not. People, whether they realize it or not, are influenced and inspired by almost anything. And just as both the negative and the positive have shaped us to who we are today, it is both the positive and the negative that inspires every human being. In fact, I would argue that it is the negative that pushes our inspiration one step further. The negative is that thing that can sometimes give us that drive to move from the bad and into the good. So inspiration is not just one thing but EVERYTHING. It's the good and the bad make us who we are and who we want to be.
Thank you for your interesting thoughts on inspiration. I agree that its the negative that drives most people to do better. Knowing that someone is smarter or stronger can challenge someone to preform at a higher level.