Tuesday, September 25, 2012

B.O.B Memorable Class

We all remember the great motivational video Mr. Jackson showed us.  I have seen it over ten times, but I still get chills every time I watch it. Normally, I relate the message to sports, more specifically swimming.  After swimming at least two hours after school, the last thing I want to do is wake up at 5:30 the next morning to lift before school (yes Mr. Jackson, I know that is sleeping in for you). One of the key messages exemplified by the video is to keep going through the tough times, through the pain.  I am able to relate this to swimming very well.  However, when Mr. Jackson showed this in class, I saw it in a different light.  Rather than loosing sleep to get up and lift, I might need to lose some sleep to study, and make sure I know the material.  After that day my perspective has changed for the better, and for that I have Mr. Jackson to thank.....thanks Mr. Jackson.  If anyone is interested in seeing the video again, heres a link to the one I had seen earlier  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu7OqWwOVEc

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a moment of clarity. Hopefully this can work on other classes and aspects of your education as well!
