I came into this math class thinking it would be just like any other math class, it just happens to turnout that i was very badly mistaken. At first we started out nice and slow and then boom 260 math problems over a few days (or so it felt). I have never been so overwhelmed in my life..not even in sports. I spent hours on hours studying and would finally start to think that I was starting to get it. I was wrong, very very wrong. I wish that I could pin point exactly where things went wrong. I came in for help, asked questions, and did all my homework except for 2 problems. I really had no idea where things went South. The more that I look back on this unit I have realized that I do not learn from examples. I learn from getting a genric set of steps to follow that when you do you get the right answer every single time. I felt very rushed throughout the entire unit and I realize now that speaking up would have been a great option. But I feel like you are the only person that I couldnget help from, none of my friends knew how to do it and I just felt trapped. I am still not very sure about handle this growing issue but I feel like it needs to be fixed quickly. I have never preformed so poorly on a math test in my entire life. Never gotten a B. Never failed at any one problem...now I am failing at all of them and I do not know what to do. It still is a mystery to me. I have never been in this situation before and I do not know how to handle it whatsoever. I think that your teaching style and the way that I am able to learn are on the opposite side of the spectrum. I just do not know exactly how I can learn this math. My 4.0 depends on it.
"Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"
~Albus Dumbledore
This course will hopefully help you understand that its ok to fail. We need to fail in order to learn and to become better students, especially in the areas that we do not completely understand. The 200 some problems over 3.5 weeks was a little overwhelming for the first unit. My expectations are high and I know that with continued help you will meet and then exceed those this trimester. You will dig deep and you will do whatever it takes to understand what we are doing in class. That is how you will maintain your 4.0.