Friday, September 14, 2012

Inspiration comes in many ways

...what inspires me?

Personally I have many things in my life that inspire me; music is a top inspiration, but so is the influence of my friends and family to get me to follow my dreams, and stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

If I had to narrow it down to one though, one thing that inspires me the most would have to be seeing people who have all reasons to give up, keep trying.

When I was in the 2nd grade there was a kid in the grade above me that was born with half of a right arm but everything else about him was pretty normal. Other kids picked on him all the time, calling him names and making fun of his differences...but the young boy inspired me... At recess I would sit on the playground or the tire swing and watch this boy do the monkey bars in the most amazing way I had ever seen done. He could go super fast and he could even toss his body to the side so that when he would fly through the monkey bars his body could almost be perfectly horizontal in the air. I spent many recess days like this and I was absolutely fantastic.

I guess stories and people like this inspire me because no matter how hard they might have it, they always find ways to beat the impossible and be someone others think that cannot be. It gives me back-up fuel in my own pursuits and decisions because I think about how they didn't give up and they could change the world. :)

"I am, as ever, your humble servant and never deviating friend"
A daughter of God always and forever, 

1 comment:

  1. Again, thank you for sharing! Do you still know this young man? It would be interesting to talk to him today and see what other challenges he has faced and overcame!
