Sunday, September 16, 2012

What Inspires Me

What inspires me? Not a specific thing particularly does, for me; a person inspires me more than any one thing does.

From a young age there were two things I liked to do; talk and dance. Even as a toddler I babbled at my parents whilst, dancing and twirling around to whatever music played around the house that day. It only made sense when my parent enrolled me in dance at age five, taking classes at a local studio (long gone now and I moved studios years ago) however I met a teacher named Deanne who believe it or not completely changed my life more than I thought one person could.

The older I grew the more the intensity and time spent dancing increased, I went from a forty-five minute class once a week to now dancing five to six days a week for three hours on average. A majority of my time was spent with Deanne, class after class, day after day. It only made sense that she left some sort of influence on me.

When I was little, I watched her and found myself absolutely amazed, enthralled even, by every single movement she carried out, on stage or in class. Outside of class I saw her compassion, and caring for others and when all those elements add up, I knew I wanted to be like her.

Now at seventeen years old, I have known her for twelve years and still see her multiple times a week for class, whether we take the same one, or she teaches one. Whether or not she knows it she inspires me to become not only a better dancer, but a better person in my day to day life. After knowing her most of my life I consider her almost like a second mother or close friend, someone I could turn to for anything, someone who inspires me to do the best I can in everything and someone who means the world to me.

My dance teacher, who I met at five years old, inspires me more than anyone else in my life. 


“I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” 
― J.K. Rowling

1 comment:

  1. And you are good at it too! Indoles wouldn't be the same without your mad dancing skills!
