Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I suppose I should start this off by telling you I'm a vegetarian and have been one for over three years. It isn't because I was forced into it or for some relious reasonings or anything among those lines but, instead, by choice. MY CHOICE. Now I am sure everyone who doesn't believe in this choice has some kind of comment/concern popping up into there head this very moment they are reading this. Just hear me out in this post and keep those comments to yourself(because, believe me, I've heard it all).

I'm not going to lie to you. The soul reason I became a vegetarian in the first place was because of watching a video by PETA on YouTube about slaughter houses and their "inhumanity". Among readings and other reseach, I now realize that video was completely incorrect. I still feel no need of the consumption of animals; therefore, have continued the practice of vegetarianism.

Yes, I do understand the reasonings behind why we should eat meat:
  • that's why we have inscisor teeth
  • needs of certain nutrients
  • and the pure satisfaction of taste
  • ect.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!

As long as one knows how to take care of themselves and their needed nutrient intake, there is not a need for the consumption of meat.

Many vegetarians main reason for becoming one is for health concerns. MY REASON? Because I really love animals. Yes, it's that simple. Anyone who really knows me knows this. I could go on about this for hours I'm sure but, for the reader's sake I will keep it to this.



1 comment:

  1. I understand your view point, although I am not a vegetarian. It bothers me that people feel the need to judge others on their choices. As you said, it is your choice and simply put, people need to mind their own business. I'm glad you looked into the falsities of that YouTube video and took it upon yourself to do your own research.
