Starting out I thought this class would be like any other math class I had taken. Math has always been my best and favorite class. The first week in I knew this wasn't your typical math class but I still treated it as one. I listened when the teacher was talking and I started doing my homework the day it was assigned. Then a problem occurred, I did not have any idea what I was doing. I thought asking the people around me would help but it turned out even then I didn't get it. The worst was dealing with fractions and having to find the domain. Up until the quiz I thought I was doing it right but I never really asked. so when I got my quiz back I was shocked how much I didn't know. At that point I was lost. I did not understand why I was struggling in my best subject. Then Mr. Jackson showed us the motivational video. It may come as a shock but that was my first time seeing that video. I couldn't believe how much it inspired me. I find myself relating anything I want in life to that video. I realized that if I want to succeed in not only this class but life as well I have to start making sacrifices. Almost everyday since then I have been at the school early to clear up some of the fogginess I have had with the homework. If it wasn't for Mr. Jackson showing us that video I don't think I would be looking at life the same way I do now. That video taught me that if you want something bad enough you will work for it and not let something as small as sleep get in the way.
I'm so glad you found that video inspirational. I also hope that you don't have ill feelings toward math now. That first unit was difficult and I hope everyone learned that if something doesn't make sense that they need to get help. You know I'm always available for help!!